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Arizona teacher brags about work-around for sex education law in the state so she can talk about gender with little kids


PHOENIX, AZ –Arizona educators are prevented from speaking to students who are below fifth grade about sexual education.

Despite the law, a second-grade teacher has found a workaround that she has been sharing on TikTok which would allow her and others to get children from kindergarten to fourth grade to announce what gender pronouns they like to use.

Tweets by libsoftiktok

Arizona lawmakers recently passed a law that prevents educators from speaking to children that are in kindergarten to fourth grade about sexual education.

Additionally, the law requires parents the ability to weigh in on any sexual education course that is provided to their children.

Regardless of the law, Arizona teacher Alex Naomi Parker has allegedly found a way to get passed the law and still speak to young children about sexual identities.

Parker took her workaround and plastered it all over TikTok so that other liberally-minded teachers can use the same tactic. In the video, she says:

“Man, there were so many teachers in that guy’s section that said their district won’t allow them to ask children for their pronouns so here’s a little workaround.

This is an icebreaker I called “Call Me” because I am bad at naming things, that I use with my second graders.”

Parker goes on to instruct fellow teachers in the way that she gets around the law and speaks to her children about what these little children think their pronouns should be. She said:

“So we sat in our community circle, and we’re around the circle and it is just ourselves and our introduction sounded like this: my name is Ms. Parker and when you talk about me you can call me she.

They went around, they did the same thing, and they were (inaudible), but afterward we talked about why that’s important and all my kids go by pronouns of the gender they were assigned at birth.

This is kind of scary–celebrating solstice? Sounds a little satanic. Watch this Phoenix teacher avoid a recently passed law–>

— NotInOurSchools (@nopinkschool) September 13, 2022

“But one of the little boys has long hair and we talked about how he gets really frustrated when people call him ‘she’ because they see him from behind and think he’s a girl. One of my little girls said that she had shaved her head one year for lice and people kept calling her he and it made her really sad.

“So, we kind of framed it in that way. You might now know who someone is or what they want to be called by just looking at them. I hope that helps.”

The Arizona Independent looked for Parker’s teacher profile at the Solano Elementary School where her LinkedIn profile says she works as a teacher mentor.

However, Parker’s teacher profile is not on the school website which could be because she alleges she has received several death threats after she shared her way to violate Arizona State Law.

While many have weighed in on the tweet thinking that what Parker has provided is harmless, they are seemingly missing the point.

If children grow and mature and believe they should be referred to as something else when they are adults, that is on them. Forcing children to speak about how they ‘identify,’ which is in essence what Parker was trying to get them to do, is wrong.

Liberals have a real issue with complying with policies & laws.

— The One & Knowing (@DodgeMyAss) September 13, 2022

Children, especially at that age, are extremely impressionable and could easily be manipulated into thinking one way and grow to regret what they did when they were younger.

Instead of forcing an ideology on children, teachers, in general, should be doing nothing more than teaching facts and scientific theories, not progressive liberal mindsets.

If a child grows up and believes they are a different gender, then they at least have formulated the opinion themselves as opposed to thinking it is the ‘cool’ thing to do to fit in.

CA school districts change curriculum to push trans-ideology, hide “gender” from parents, discuss “semen”

LOS ANGELES, CA – According to reports, one of the largest school districts in the state of California is allegedly teaching a curriculum promoting gender identity, including transgender and non-binary genders in K-12 school children.

Public documents show that the Human Relations, Diversity, and Equity department at Los Angeles Unified School District is using presentations, training programs, and clubs to instruct K-12 students on gender identity, which include classroom instruction materials and district-sponsored event calendars.

These types of classroom instruction materials and district-sponsored events first appeared during the 202-2021 academic school year.

One example is when the district hosted a virtual conference featuring a panel of 7th graders who identified as LGBT.

Documents indicate that at that event, the panel of students were “advising” parents on what LGBT middle schools “want you to know.” The conference allegedly included a presentation encouraging student athletes who may identify as LGBT to “come out.”

Another event was a workshop on “International Transgender Day of Visibility,” which documents show said, “history has a disturbing way of elevating certain voices while silencing others.”

The presentation allegedly focused on raising awareness for the transgender community to achieve “trans justice.”

Another event, according to documents, the “Standing with LGBTQ+ Students, Staff and Families,” run by school administrators, taught local social justice engagement and gave out free gender-affirming clothing.
The districts “queer and trans-affirming” school calendar, titled “Queer all School Year,” features different pride events that take place each month, such as “Standing with LGBTQ Students” conference.

Another event, the “Queering Culture & Race,” allegedly promoted the abandonment of gendered expressions such as “boys and girls.” The presentation documents for that event stated:

“The black community often holds rigid and traditional views of sexual orientation and gender expression. Black LGBTQ youth experience homophobia and transphobia from their familial communities.”

Teachers in the district have been instructed to address a student by their chosen name and pronouns, and are allegedly not permitted to alert the parents of the student if they change.

Documents show that students were also told they can use any pronouns, including “tree” or “ze.”

Documents state that in as an “elimination of barriers,” the school has established a “gender neutral dress code and school uniform policy.”

More than 600,000 students attend the K-12 education in the school district that includes more than 115 schools and campuses, making it the second largest school district in the nation.

Los Angeles is not the only California school district adding gender identity to the curriculum.

According to a report by Christopher F. Rufo with City Journal, San Diego public schools want to “overthrow heteronormativity and promote genderqueer, non-binary, pansexual, and two-spirit” identities.

Rufo states that publicly accessible documents from San Diego Unified showcase the district’s new “ideology.” According to the district, the gender binary has created an unjust society that disrupts “heterosexual and cisgender privilege.”

San Diego Unified school district has allegedly created a program of gender-identity instruction with, as Rufo states:

“The explicit goal of undermining the traditional conception of sex and promoting a new set of boutique sexual identities, such as ‘transgender, ‘genderqueer,’ ‘non-binary,’ ‘pansexual,’ ‘asexual,’ and ‘two-spirit,’ that promise to disrupt the oppressive system of heteronormativity.”

In another document published by San Diego Unified, administrators reportedly celebrated “non-binary identities,” arguing that there just be a “linguistic revolution to move beyond gender binaries.”

The district adopted the term “Latinx,” which “makes room for people who are trans, queer, agender, nonbinary, gender non-conforming or gender fluid.” According to Rufo:

“If the case against queer theory as an academic discipline is strong, the case against queer theory as K-12 pedagogy is even stronger. The goal of dismantling heteronormativity is nonsensical and destructive to the basic building blocks of society.”

RedState went into more details about the curriculum:

Intimacy, evidently, is critical. Consequently, one of the district’s “Key Messages for Discussion” for students is that “sex can be fun and meaningful in a healthy relationship.” One group conversation asks, “What does ‘LGBTQ+-inclusive sex ed’ mean to you?”

And then:


  • Safe Oral Sex

  • Safer Vaginal Sex

  • Safer Anal Sex

Two sexual diagrams are shown — those of “reproductive anatomy of people with a penis” and “reproductive anatomy of people with a vulva.”

From there, the training — complete with practice exercises — serves sample questions from hypothetical kids: “Is it okay to masturbate?” “How do gay people have sex?”


What does semen taste like?

  • What might be the intent of the question?

  • What knowledge do they need to make healthy choices?

  • How could you make your response inclusive of all students?

  • How would you respond?

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